I work exclusively with pattern, drawn by the power of repetition. Reoccurrence, motif, ornamentation, and templates are my medium. I draw from both significant and insignificant elements: a flower, a doodle, a to-do list, a swirl, a dot, a stroke, or a photograph. Everything is available and up for grabs; it simply needs to be repeated within the work.
Wallpaper and collage are the ingredients of my artwork. I design and produce wallpapers both digitally and by hand, using techniques like screen printing, block printing, painting, and drawing. Throughout the process, I photograph my work as it evolves, then digitally assemble these images in Photoshop and Illustrator to create additional wallpaper patterns that echo their previous forms. These wallpapers get collaged onto a surface: canvas, board, or directly onto a wall. Then I rip them away, place them back in, and rip again. I have also begun painting directly on the surface of my pieces, using my past work as a reference. This cyclical approach allows my art to continually consume and recreate itself.
I aim to create a bombastic, overwhelming experience for the viewer, enveloping them into my world for as long as possible. As all of these parts become a whole, the work explores the possibilities of digital representation, the distinctions between art and craft, and the space between two-dimensional works and immersive installations.
I am drawn to wallpaper as a material because of its connection to the home. The creation and curation of a home is the most important thing in my life, particularly since becoming a mother. The desire to make use of every empty space, to not waste anything, and to facilitate creativity and freedom are things that I work toward in all of my environments, both the home and the studio.